Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Reviewing 7drls

My goal is to review every 7drl success. As I didn't get to complete the seven day roguelike contest, I congratulate I am even thinking about offering my help in improving a great one. Anyways, I hope to review every one (but I might not be able to get some of them running).

I will always review the most recent version (but note if there are bugfixes). If a later version is released, I will re-review it.

For the first review, I will look at Blood Arbiter. I am also preparing a review of Bone Builder.

The things I will use to help you understand what a roguelike is about. Most categories are rated on a scale of one star (*) to 5 stars (*****)

-Concept: This is what the roguelike is about, in a nutshell.
-Innovation: What does the roguelike add that is new, if anything?
-Graphics: Does the roguelike look interesting, or is it at least presented in a way that isn't confusing? Does it strain the eyes to play? High marks indicate a roguelike that looks interesting and presents vital information in a non-confusing manner.
-Controls: Are the controls intuitive? Does the keyboard respond properly?
-Difficulty: How hard is the roguelike to beat? Did I beat the roguelike? Not rated, since some players may prefer hard or easy difficulty.
-Strategy: Tips on strategy. My recommendation for how to win or progress in the game.
-Strategic Depth: Does the game have any strategy? Or is it merely just hack and slash? How well does the game communicate the mechanics to the player? High marks indicate a game where strategy can make a huge difference on winning or losing.
-Bugs: Did I find any bugs? Did they severely impact the game? High marks indicate a relatively bug free game.
-Overall: My overall impression of the game.

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